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can you make this web please.


get a pc buddy

I'm going download it now and check this out and make a video on it for my second channel More Arron Cooper :)


sorry man this might sound odd but i may have accidentally stolen your game, my friend sent it to me saying it was his and he told me to publish it, sorry bro.

make it for mac

how play in the city???? 

que jogo fodaaaa belo trabalho amigo

this game needs to add auto reload and the zombies do WAYYYYY more damage than they should 

Voy a Descargarlo Ahora


Just played the game and i love it! Super fun and unironically very hard. Cant get pass round 5 lol. Keep up the good work also I would love to see more maps, and new weapons. Also can you explain how do I play the city map? Or is it not finished? I was just wondering because I wanna stream the game but i cant figure out why zombies aren't spawning into the map. Nut overall great work on the game and i'd love to see more from you!


Just played this the other day, it's not bad but needs a lot of work. I say go for more originality by making it just a zombie shooter game with some of the same elements as COD Zombies. Overall not bad would play it again in the future for sure! 


Thanks for you feedback!!! The Second Version was an older version. For the first version you played, I started the whole game from scratch thats why there are a lot of features missing

is there a knife button yet?

how do we play it

Download it and then extract

how do we extract it on a chromebook


I cant paused it...


Added a Pause Menu in the new Version

(1 edit) (+1)


I Subbed to your yt channel.

Deleted 2 years ago

no files to download here on the client for some weird reason


Which Client?

the itch client. ive had this problem a few times and its always at random


which one do I supposed to download?

Zombie FPS


Mltiplayer FPS


never mind



Thank you so much!


pls keep on updating the game everyday and add multiplayer 


srry when I meant multiplayer I meant for zombies and update the zombies becuase this game will be famous


buen juego sigue asi


Thank you!